The office of Drum Corps World is located  4926 North Sherman Avenue, Unit H, Madison, WI 53704-8443

The office phone number is 608-249-2590, 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM Central time, seven days a week.This is Publisher Steve Vickers’ cell number.

If you get voicemail, please leave a message with your name, the time you called, the best time to reach you and a short reason for the call.

Advertising information is available by calling Steve Vickers.

Drum Corps World was originally founded in October 1971 by the two founders, the late Jim Jones from the Troopers and the late Don Whiteley, under the name db Enterprises.  The publication changed ownership in July 1974 to Steve Vickers when he established Drum Corps Sights & Sounds, Inc., later changed to Sights & Sounds, Inc.  It was originally based in Denver, CO, then Golden, CO, when Steve Vickers took ownership.  The magazine was relocated to Madison, WI, in January 1979.