1974/1975/1976 DCI Highlights DVD


1974 Stockton Commodores
Videotaped at “Drums Along the Rockies”
1975 Casper Troopers
Videotaped at the “Hershey Invitational” *
1975 Hawthorne Muchachos
Videotaped at the “Hershey Invitational” *
1976 Santa Clara Vanguard
Videotaped at “Drums Along the Rockies”
1976 27th Lancers
Videotaped at “Drums Along the Rockies”
1976 Troopers
Videotaped at “Drums Along the Rockies”

This is the only performance of the Troopers from the 1976 season, since they did not make finals.
* The “Hershey Invitational” was held on Sunday, August 22, the day after DCI Finals in Philadelphia where the Muchachos were disqualified prior to the finals

Please allow up to six weeks for delivery
This is the third in a series of releases derived from the personal collection of Troopers Founder/Director Jim Jones who videotaped all of these shows for educational use by his members. The black and white footage has been restored by Scott Gordon and is available exclusively from Drum Corps World. The Troopers and DCI benefit from the sale of each copy. The two previously-released titles include: ”1972 DCI Championships” in Whitewater, WI, and “1974 DCA Review of the Corps” in Carlisle, PA, also listed in this section.

SKU: ac1dd209cbcc Category: